Saturday, May 8, 2010

Oh the places we will go

So it's bean awhile (get it??) since I've posted and a lot has happened since then. From Christmas vacation all over the midwest, to getting engaged, to having a dog that actually listens when I say 'come here' it's been a pretty hectic time.
Bean has been growing up quite a bit, and while he may just be getting a little fatter, he's also learned that the couch is not his person chew toy, when I rattle his leash he comes sits and waits for his collar to be put on him if he ever wants to go outside, and that the coolest place in the entire house is on the floor at the foot of my bed.

Friends of ours came over last night and met him for the first time and he was a total show boat. From rolling over, to pawing, to jumping ten feet in the air he was a hit. All they could comment on was how quiet he was, but they also don't to wake up to him sitting by the door and purring like a motor boat trying to get them out of bed at 9 in the morning on a Saturday. Not that I would really want to have it another way.

We took a walk today and met some new friends (well, just one, and well... he was kind of a turtle) but I thought I would share some photos of our adventure. I could not ask for a better companion on walk.

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