Thursday, May 20, 2010

Over there, no over here! nononono over there I mean!

O here we go again. It's been raining and raining and raining and raining here in St. Louis. This makes it quite hard to play outside when you want to, and it makes it even harder to go on long walks. Even with an inch of water in my basement, I try not to get too down, but the rain just seems to keep coming and coming. So when the sun finally decides to come out (even if it's a cloudy sunlight, can sunlight even be cloudy?) we play.

There have been a few squirrels taunting the ol' Bean brain for a couple of weeks now, and I decided to run around out back with him for awhile to see how long he would chase them around the back yard. Apparently the answer to that question is.. FOREVER. I'm 100% sure that if I gave Bean a choice between eating steak and bacon for the rest of his life, or going on just one walk right then, he would choose the walk. I've never met a happier dog when he is outside. Now if only my fence didn't have holes in it so I could leave him out there....

So this is Bean running around outside. And smiling, I hope it makes you smile as much as it makes me smile. I love how infectious it is, if only the rest of the world could realize the simple pleasures in life like my Bean.

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