Monday, December 14, 2009

The Frying Pan and the Bean

So it's been three weeks since last has Bean's adventures been updated. A lot has happened since then to cause such a delay: I now have a full time job working at Jayme's law firm!, Bean has proven to be as agile as batman, and has the strength of a million St. Bernards.

I am not a kenneler. I am just simply not a fan of sticking a dog in a cage all day. I wouldn't want to be in a place where I could only stand up or lay down in all day long, so why should I subject a dog to that? Now because of that policy (or belief) I let Bean wander the house all day. When we first got him he actually was excellent, but I also was in a much smaller, much more 'controlled' environment. Now with a huge house to cause trouble in... he causes trouble. From my recliner, to pop bottles, to anything else.

One day was particularly bad. Jayme and I had to work late, but knowing that we asked her little brother to let him out mid day being the good owners that we are. He did so, but when he got there he called to ask if we had gotten him a green slipper for a chew toy. In fact we had not. Scratch one pair of flip-flops. Next we had a good friend of ours come over and spend some time with him and let him out again, being the great owners that we are. Instead he gets there and calls us as asks "Did Jon make breakfast this morning?". In fact, I had not. I never do, I would much rather go hungry and sleep then make food, ever, any time of the day. He then proceeded to tell us our dog had taken the 18 inch skillet from the kitchen into the living room. The amazing part is there wasn't a nik on it. Not bite marks. Nothing. Bean takes better care of my things that I do.

So I come home, and there is it.... the inside of my recliner. Everywhere. And Bean looks like he just got caught with his paw in the cookie jar. Needless to say it was a quiet night in the Bean residence.

Since then we've gotten a baby gate (that we had to bungy jump chairs to because he leaps over it like it was a toy) and he has been great (well today he was great, that's actually the first time). Bean never ceases to make me wonder what in the world dogs are thinking, and more then that how he can make me laugh when I am so angry.

That's Bean for you.

1 comment:

  1. THANKS for finally updating! seeing as how i'm never getting a dog... i really enjoy the adventures of yours =)
