Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Old friends, new roommates

We've had an addition to the J&J&B family. A very good friend of mine has decided to serve his country and joined the Army, so Jayme and I volunteered to watch his dog while he is gone. His dogs' name is Whicket he is a 4 pound, 19 yr old lhasa apso mix. He is at best an extremely cranky little old man who sleeps where he wants, eats when he wants, cracks every time he walks across the floor (pop! pop! pop! pop! so adorable) and pees when he wants and if anyone every tries to tell him differently he makes the sound like a badger on a bad day (a very scary sound for those of you without badgers as pets). All of that aside, he sleeps in bed with you and take naps on your belly while you watch tv, eat, sleep, walk, drink, play games or jog... well you get the idea. We are very excited to have him as apart of our family for the next fives years (or so). So hopefully you guys enjoy their adventures together. He's a really cute guy, and I'm sure that he is going to help create quite a few stories for us to share with you all.

I'll start with how they've already know how to sit nice for food, how to sleep and how to sleep on each other. Welcome Whicket, we're excited to have you little guy.